Title: Sci-Fi and Cross-Genre Fiction with Glynn Stewart
Source: YouTube, marketingsff.com
Interviewer: Lindsay Buroker, Joseph R. Lallo, and Jeffrey M. Poole
Summary: “This week we are joined with Glynn Stewart, author of fantastic and successful novels that mix science fiction and fantasy.
“Here’s a taste of what we discussed:
- Mixing genres and tropes.
- How to make fantasy and science fiction blend together to make a strong story.
- How to create a strong fantasy with various rules.
- To explain the rules of your magic system to readers, or not?
- Judging concepts by the marketability and knowing where to put your focus.
- Advice to those who would want to mix genres.
- Ways to conquer writer’s block.
- Using Kindle Unlimited and pricing.
- Places to market cross genres.
- Designing stand-alones to grow into series–And working with fans who want more!
- The need for endurance.”
Length: 56 minutes